RBM is committed above all else to reach the un-reached people with the Gospel. We team up with Christians and concentrate on evangelism and discipleship training. We categorize our ministries into two main categories:
- Evangelistic Ministries: this includes open-air meetings, person to person witnessing, revival meetings and leadership seminars.
- Equipping Ministries: These are organized with an objective of training and equipping believers for world evangelization. Participants are inspired and challenged to be involved in the GREAT COMMISSION.
Evangelistic Ministries.
Student Ministries: In our commitment to students ministry and leadership development, Regions Beyond Ministry embraces and continues to engage Students and Teachers on the need to get involved in transformational leadership. Statistics show that Kenya and the Church in particular is “youthful.” Someone has remarked, “What a country does with its young population determines whether it takes off in socio-economic terms.” The same is true in spiritual terms. “What the Church does with its youth determines the future not only of that Church but also of the society.” There is an urgent need and call to invest in the youth. Any talk about “A call to Responsibility” MUST include the ministry to the students. Top on the list for this ministry is reaching out to the students. Our heartbeat is the student’s ministry. We are willing to come to your school on invitation. The ministry to students may include, Sunday Services, Weekend Challenges, Workshops, Seminars, Motivational talks, Guidance and Counseling, Retreats and any other that may suit your institution.
Frontier and Urban evangelistic outreach: We have outreach to many towns and villages in the East Africa region. The thrust involves: Open-air meetings, person-to-person witnessing, revival meetings and leadership seminars. We team up with Christians working among an unreached people group to fast track evangelism and discipleship efforts.
International outreach: RBM has had the privilege of taking the gospel to “the regions beyond”. We have invitations from Churches in South Africa, Uganda Tanzania, Ethiopia, United Kingdom and the USA. We are not always able answer all international invitations due to financial constraints.
Distribution of Gospel tracts: We know the power of the written Word. We make it our goal to distribute and saturate everywhere we go on a mission with gospel tracts. Our main source of these tracts is the Bible Help press, Hanover, PA.
Equipping Ministries.
The RBM Bible College: RBM Bible College started its operations in 1982 as RBM School of Ministry. Since then the college has sought to fulfill its vision of training Christian leaders and lay people for ministry
Leadership & Marriage Seminars: RBM hosts these seminars at the Retreat Centre or is invited by different Churches to conduct them in their areas. The leader and the home is important to us.

Dr. Larry Wade teaching at our 2014 leadership summit
Conferences: RBM organizes youth conferences dabbed YOUTH AFLAME, to equip and challenge highschooler to be passionate about godliness.
Missions and leadership conferences are organized to bring people in ministry for refueling, recharging and establishing networking relationships in doing the Great Commission.
Prayer Retreats and vigils (Kesha): We believe that when we pray God works. We gather all missioners for weekend prayer retreats or through the night prayers – KESHAS. All our ministries are accomplished through prayers.
Christian Library
The library has over 5000 classical books. This library has become a Resource Center to many pastors and their members. They have found reference materials that have made them more effective in their lives and ministry. Membership is open to all believers. To find out more, please contact us or come visit our office.
Pray that God will provide so that each will be effective and of great impact. Our ministry is supported by free will donations from people who believe that we are doing God’s work. Make your cheques or money orders payable to Regions Beyond Ministry. For more information on other ways of supporting us, please contact us.